North American Ethnic Literatures in the 21st Century: Intersectional / Transatlantic Perspectives

May 25-26, 2023

Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials

Universitat Jaume I

Castelló de la Plana (Spain)

Welcome to NAEL 2023

Welcome to the International Symposium North American Ethnic Literatures in the 21st Century: Intersectional / Transatlantic Perspectives, hosted by the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón (Spain) in collaboration with the Universitat de València.

The aim of this international symposium is to augment and amplify ongoing transatlantic conversations in the fields of ethnic minority literatures and critical race theory in North America that are reconsidering terms such as race, ethnicity, indigeneity, identity, mobility, community, solidarity, and futurity, and to explore 21st-century literary texts through an intersectional lens. In a series of thematic panels, we will examine these shifting critical, literary, and pedagogical practices paying special attention to the Obama and Trump eras in a local, national, hemispheric, and global context.


The symposium is organized by the research group LENA: North American Ethnic Literatures in a Global Context (Universitat de València-Universitat Jaume I) and sponsored by the Generalitat Valenciana (Proyecto I+D+i “Reconfiguraciones de género, raza y clase social en la literatura étnica norteamericana de la era Obama/Trump” – GV/AICO/2021/249). Collaborating entities include the Unesco Chair on Slavery and Afrodescendancy at Universitat Jaume I and the Western Literature Association.


More information about the ongoing activities and projects of the research group LENA can be found at

Organizing Committee


Elena Ortells Montón (Universitat Jaume I)

Anna Brígido-Corachán (Universitat de València)


Vicent Cucarella Ramón (Universitat de València)


Elena Dobre (Universitat Jaume I)

Carme Manuel Cuenca (Universitat de València)

José Antonio Piqueras (Universitat Jaume I)

Santiago Posteguillo (Universitat Jaume I)

Melania Rodríguez Román (Universitat Jaume I)

Scientific Committee

Samir Dayal (Bentley University)

Ana María Fraile (Universidad de Salamanca)

Gloria Chacon (University of California, San Diego)

Audrey Goodman (Georgia State University)

José Juan Gómez-Becerra (Eastern Kentucky University)

Gordon Henry Jr. (Michigan State University)

John Howard (King’s College London)

Amaia Ibarraran Vigalondo (Universidad del País Vasco)

Ewa Luczak (University of Warsaw)

Silvia Martínez Falquina (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Alan Rice (University of Central Lancashire)
